Saturday, July 4, 2020

Book Reviews (2)

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
I don't know anything about rock n' roll but I loved reading this quick little book. It's so honest. I could really imagine these people in my head, and the way the story is told, through conversation, switching points of view, getting all the different points of view, is brilliant. It's so funny at times. Loved it. The frame is so good I thought this was a real band!

In a word: dope

Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler
I tried getting into this book a few times but I just couldn't. It's about an old, married couple going to a funeral. On their trip you start seeing the problems they're having in their marriage. It's such a sad beginning. I felt tired reading the first few pages. I'm not going to go back to this book.

In a word: death

Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi
This was a weird book. I was getting confused about what was happening while reading it, so I Googled it, and it turns out this is a course book! People study it. There were study notes. I had no idea. I read the summary on Google, and then went back to the book and started reading it from the middle (It's a slow book). I didn't get far. It's a fairytale. Fairytales are weird. More so when you're not expecting them and they're disguised as grown up books.

In a word: weird 

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